
CALLS FROM GOD (when interest, is taken)

Arrival in South Orange Village... ...of South Orange, NJ... ... at 1:11 PM... on 7/8/24 22. 3:03 AM (7/18/24): NAV - Some Way ft. The Weeknd (Official Music Video) (  (0:00-1:39) A 'catchy' song; not sure where such was filmed... ...but I was reminded, of California... I haven't been there (Los Angeles, specifically), since I was 19 years old... ...given there had been a track meet (at the University of California - Los Angeles/UCLA), where I had been flown to... ...Nevertheless, I was not permitted to compete... ...given that I had brought 'alternative spikes (that were better-fitting)'... opposed, to the 'issued ones'... ...although, to my understanding... ...there was no rule... ...saying, this was illogical... NOTE: In retrospect, I am curious about how far I could have triple jumped (at 'that meet,' in the Spring of 2009)... ...given that in the context, of Occam's Razor (a philosophical principle)... ...competing in the &


Google  ( (photo of me, on 10/21/21... at 8:35 AM, in East Orange, NJ) >>>FIND ME ON TIKTOK To get to heaven, you'll need a 'certain' ship... “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary… they will walk, and not be faint…” – Isaiah 40:31 “ Then Jesus said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death… before they see the Kingdom, of God arrive… with power’…” - Mark 9 ....... FOR REFERENCE: 1.  SELF-HELP SHOW ( 2.  THE WORLD I WISH TO SEE ( 3.  LIFETIME VERSUS LIFE-MONEY ( (see for URL address viewership instructions) 2.  QUESTIONS OF THE YOUTH ( 3.  TWITTER-INSTAGRAM (Blogger), whiz544 (continued) (   4.  Students | The People of Rice | Rice University  [interesting site, I feel like such is an 'online Ori