Google (www.google.com)
(photo of me, on 10/21/21... at 8:35 AM, in East Orange, NJ)

To get to heaven, you'll need a 'certain' ship...

“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary… they will walk, and not be faint…” – Isaiah 40:31

Then Jesus said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death… before they see the Kingdom, of God arrive… with power’…” - Mark 9



1. SELF-HELP SHOW (beginnings74.blogspot.com)

2. THE WORLD I WISH TO SEE (findingjafar.blogspot.com)

3. LIFETIME VERSUS LIFE-MONEY (divineladder.blogspot.com)

(see for URL address viewership instructions)

2. QUESTIONS OF THE YOUTH (thingsisee112.blogspot.com)

3. TWITTER-INSTAGRAM (Blogger), whiz544 (continued) (izu365.blogspot.com) 

4. Students | The People of Rice | Rice University [interesting site, I feel like such is an 'online Orientation-Week book'... regarding featured 'graduate student' photos... I was in the O-Week book for Hanszen college (at Rice), in the Fall of 2008... as an undergraduate]

5. John IZUCHUKWU | President and Chief Executive Officer | Core Devices, Wildwood | Research and Development (researchgate.net) (my dad formerly and routinely made reference to his 19 patents, and I am curious about the basis... for that number)

Dr. John & Michele Izuchukwu | Dr. John Izuchukwu recently j… | Flickr 

6. voldy36 (u/voldy36) - Reddit


November 15, 2021

 12:58 PM (11/15/21): "Everyone enters this world, and eventually departs... Along the path one takes from start to finish (point A to B), one has many experiences/encounters... while seeking some measure of fulfillment... Nevertheless, the quickest path between 2 points is a straight line... and the basis of the path one follows, should be rooted in that which has intrinsic value... Every human is a vector, with magnitude and direction (in the context of the spirit, mind and body)...

...Jesus Christ is a prime example, of that latter sentiment..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Albert Einstein and Theory of relativity Full Documentary HD - YouTube

Albert Einstein - Wikipedia

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me..." - John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)



November 12, 2021

 3:38 PM (11/12/21): "In life, it's critical to make the right decisions... regarding what one's time and resources, are invested into... Not all things are equally noble, but there are some which are worth an undertaking..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:40 PM (11/12/21): "...'A house is not a home... A house is built with walls and beams, while a home is made with love and dreams...' ...many forms of architecture, are appealing... nevertheless..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Private and Elegant Estate in Atherton, California - Sotheby's International Realty - YouTube 


(pepperoni and sausage pizza, from the summer of 2020... with some Sprite)

SEE: michael izuchukwu university city mo - YouTube





Match | Start Something Great


Monster Jobs - Job Search, Career Advice & Hiring Resources | Monster.com

>>>16 YEARS LATER: SOCIAL MEDIA WRITING SINCE 10/7/06 (paradiserun1213.blogspot.com)


1:59 PM (1/21/23):

"For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit, you put to death the misdeeds of the body... you will live..." - Romans 8:13 (according to Jesus Christ)

"Verily, verily, I say unto you... that if a man keep my saying, he shall never see death..." - John 8:51 (according to Jesus Christ)


1:20 PM (1/21/23):

"Time is relative to the observer, but the observer... is not necessarily as relative, to time..." - Michael Izuchukwu

THE FOUNTAIN OF HOPE (2pods89.blogspot.com)

"...and Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children... you will never enter… the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 18:3

1:23 PM (1/21/23):

"One's chronological age, corresponds to 'one's age (time on Earth)'... but biological age, can be different..." - Michael Izuchukwu >>>>>>> see: HOW DOES ONE WIN FAVOR, WITH GOD? (jesuswent.blogspot.com)

"Physiological efficiency/health is a good indicator, that one's chronological age is more aligned with one's biological age... if such is also aligned, with one's spacetime age. I coined the term 'spacetime age'... in the context, of someone seeming as youthful (internal and external vitality) as one had been... decades before (in the midst, of time's flow/passage)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


12:58 PM (1/21/23):
The 33-year-old who looks like a 13-year-old | @DOCUHUB - YouTube

"I made a link to the documentary 'Eternal Boy' via my Facebook profile (as the third of '3' replies, to a comment), and such was 'once' working (if not, perhaps that is attributable to Russian state-controlled media)... I looked such up on YouTube, and posted the link above... Although I have not fully watched the film yet, the notion that one's mortality is being overlooked (in some capacity)... assuredly, is more of a blessing... rather, than a curse..." - Michael Izuchukwu

NOTE #1: 
The lack of growth hormone, is not something that has never been experienced... by other individuals... and yet, Denis Vashurin's case... is unique, in the sense that others afflicted by his ailment... are assuredly not classified as 'eternal boys,' or 'eternal girls'...

NOTE #2:

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz318) | TikTok (https://www.tiktok.com/@whiz318/video/7195137344213765422)

Given that Denis Vashurin looks about the same at age 35 (as opposed to 32, here)... he might think to himself 'can you believe that in 5 years, I will be 40'?


12:49 PM (1/21/23):
"The internet has been out in the area of my dominion (in East Orange, NJ), for most of the day today (according to some of the staff members)... Thus, I went to the East Orange public library... where I forsee myself staying, for a few hours... until making my return... Hopefully, the internet would be working by this evening... otherwise, I would have to be resourceful... with things to do, in my freetime..." - Michael Izuchukwu


12:09 PM (1/21/23): "Last evening and this morning (at 7:48 AM), as I was heading to Walgreens to purchase a beverage... I noticed an Acura SUV with these license plates, pass me by... as I was approaching the store... I found that interesting, due to the nature... of the timing..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

NOTE: I interpreted this coincidence, to be a potential sign...


12:35 PM (1/20/23):

Highest-paid pastors in the world (msn.com)

In the context of post #48, one could infer my Blogger blogging via 'TikTok URL link' references (cellularly)... was like giving a sermon, that was censored (if that is what was implied, by the 'disabling... of those links')...


12:07 PM (1/20/23):
SilvaThomasFX (@silvathomasfx) | TikTok

"...how I feel, in the context of post #48..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Description: people gathered at a table, napkin


11:57 AM (1/20/23):

Nurse E (@nurseelifestyle) | TikTok

"A nurse, denoting her multiple income streams..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:51 AM (1/20/23):
"I noticed that a number of TikTok URL addresses that I had linked in the past (cellularly), via parallel Blogger blogs... have become dysfunctional/disabled, for reasons which seem irrational (due to the fact that at least some of those videos, ought to still be running/active)... Thus, one may not be able to see what their captions... correspond to..." - Michael Izuchukwu

see: VIDEO NARRATION, OF THE KING OF DARKNESS (starway32.blogspot.com) - see posts 1-9

Someone probably thought (in the context of post #42 of this blog), that my Blogger blogs was not only some type of ark... but served as a 'time machine,' in a sense... due to the time-stamping... and felt insecure, about the level of advancement.... of my TikTok URL links (and captions)...

...if not that, there probably was a sense of shame... in thinking that such TikTok URL link-embedded Blogger blogs, seemed like some kind of 'video-based word search'... or an Easter Egg hunt...


6:19 AM (1/20/23):
I was a depressed tech exec, so I took an $18-an-hour Amazon warehouse job during the company's busiest season. It cured my burnout and gave me a new perspective on the industry. (msn.com)


Why African-Americans are flocking to Ghana (msn.com)


6:12 AM (1/20/23):
I'm the CEO of P.F. Chang's. My day starts with a 5 a.m. workout and ends with a cigar on the patio — here's what my routine is like. (msn.com).

4:56 AM (1/20/23):

Gathering of people in a church, where my dad's funeral service... was held (Uke, Nigeria - 1/7/21) - YouTube

"The funeral of my dad (which I was not in attendance for) was held 2 years & 13 days (743 days) ago... I can't recall him ever talking about 'Jesus Christ,' in his life (his view of God, likely had been skewed)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

He may have used the term 'God' out of context, though... infrequently, when lamenting about issues...

About | Michael Izuchukwu (izzlemicolo5.wixsite.com) 




4:42 AM (1/20/23):
Castlevania 64 Intro - YouTube

"Interesting videogame introduction, regarding the music... Sometimes that which is easy, is not as rewarding..." - Michael Izuchukwu

To find answers, one must seek them...

"...seek, and you shall find..." - Matthew 7:7


4:28 AM (1/20/23):

What did Jesus mean when He said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle? - YouTube

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24 (according to Jesus Christ)

"Luke 18:27 of the bible states, 'with man this is impossible, but with God... all things... are possible...'... Certain biblical quotes are more easily understood, in relation... to others..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:31 AM (1/20/23):

Jesus Declares: I Am the Light of the World; the Truth Shall Make You Free - YouTube (3:32-3:44)

"What saying is that...?" - Michael Izuchukwu

3:37 AM (1/20/23):
what does john 851 refer to - Google Search 

"According to these results, 'anonymous' commentators speak of 'spiritual death'... but notice that Jesus Christ did not assert what they attest; He strictly said, 'death'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:43 AM (1/20/23):

"To my understanding, the spirit (Holy Spirit) is everlasting; such is a human's connection to God, and cannot be extinguished... but such can be severed..." - Michael Izuchukwu

In the context of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit is sometimes regarded... as the 'Holy Ghost'...


12:47 AM (1/20/23): "Given I was born at 11:46 PM on November 2, 1989... as of an hour ago (or so)... 2 months & 17 days had elapsed, since I turned 33 years old. On the website Blogger, I have 89 Blogger blogs... and in the context of my spiritual writings (since March 2019), I recently began to think of them... collectively, as some type of 'ark'... If this is the case, then each blog is like a component (or room)... and this is the one, I will be in... for a good while (I presently foresee)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Blogger: User Profile: Michael Izuchukwu


Noah Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Russell Crowe, Emma Watson Movie HD - YouTube

NOTE #1:
Interestingly, the length of the above film... is 2 hours and 17 minutes, which are the integers/numbers that I referenced...

NOTE #2:

I had been doing my spiritual writings, from 3/6/19 to 10/17/22 - 3 years and 8 months, if the first March is counted)... regarding my first proclamation, that they were complete... The second proclamation of the completion, was on 1/16/23... The fact that I had oscillated from Blogger to other blogging outlets, and back to this... a number of times, before arriving at the 'above' notation... signifies to me, that I have no intent of creating an additional Blogger blog (in the context of an ark/metaphysical ship... with 89 rooms)... ...unless absolutely compelled, to do so...

1:02 PM AM (1/20/23):
"A picture is worth a 1,000 words, so a 1,000 words... can be worth a picture, depending on the quality/nature of the used vocabulary... Albert Einstein once said, 'imagination is more important than knowledge'... and when you read words... you imagine things differently, than when viewing pictures... when they respectively are are attempting to convey, a particular (and similar) message..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:06 PM (1/19/23):
"Sometimes, our greatest misfortunes... are really blessings, in disguise... It was not until recently that I began to dissect the deeper implications, of Matthew 19:24... of the bible... in the context, of past and modern society... I surmised that of all the humans to walk the face of the Earth (several billions), that only Enoch, Elijah and Jesus Christ (of the bible)... were individuals, who had expedited entry... to heaven (although Jesus had to sacrifice Himself, via Crucifixion)... Evidently, Jesus became God... after ascending to heaven, because His spirit and will was something that God the Father... was relating to, in a way that such did not warrant natural death (much less an unnatural one, which was what Crucifixion is)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

There are others in the bible, who gained favor with God... such as Moses, Job and Noah...


6:17 PM (12/9/22):

Men in Black - Bench scene - YouTube


Mobile Suit Gundam Wing - Opening 2 | Rhythm Emotion V2 w/ Beeps - YouTube

6:40 PM (12/9/22):

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Meat Store Scene (HD) - YouTube

6:44 PM (12/9/22):

Contact Signal Scene - YouTube

6:53 PM (12/9/22):


Physics - Uwe Oberlack (aps.org)

Uwe G. Oberlack - INSPIRE (inspirehep.net)

7:00 PM (12/9/22):

Speculation about humans' place in the cosmos, in the context of its scope (12:13 PM on 1/16/22)... - YouTube


5:21 PM (12/9/22):


"There are many reasons why people pursue the pathway of a physician, but mine had revolved around the prospect of medical school (at EVMS) being a segue... for working at NASA, in a health-related capacity... ...in the context of there having been physician-astronauts, in the past..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Category:Physician astronauts - Wikipedia

>>>Mae Jemison - Wikipedia (familiarity)


RESIDENCY LETTER (3whiz104.blogspot.com)

5:34 PM (12/9/22):

The Greatest Shot In Television - YouTube

5:41 PM (12/9/22):

Are we ALONE in the Universe? 👽🤔 BBC - YouTube

"I don't believe so... I think humans have a 'collective consciousness' which is too primordial, to 'effectively conclude' we are alone... in the cosmos/universe..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Post #4 here [BLOGGER-TWITTER #1 (bloggertwittermci1.blogspot.com)], is of relevance... to the above video...

5:46 PM (12/9/22):

Why NASA's new Jupiter images matter to space exploration - YouTube


9:02 PM (4/23/22): "A photo of Jupiter, the fifth closest planet to our sun... in our solar system... 'How many planets are there, outside our Milky Way galaxy...?' There likely are multiple solar systems, within such... much less those galaxies, beyond..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

9:09 PM (4/23/22): "Over 5,000 exoplanets ('planets outside our solar system') have been detected, but they are primarily those... within our galaxy... which is 100,000 lightyears across ('diametrically')..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:14 PM (4/23/22): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaIghx4QRN4

(4/23/22): "Nearly all of the exoplanets that have been detected, are within 3,000 lightyears... of Earth. Thus, it's a 'statistical certainty' that our world is not unique, in being populated by lifeforms... among those, in the cosmos..." - Michael Izuchukwu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyLUwOcR5pk

11:49 PM (4/23/22): "Jupiter was discovered, 412 years ago... by Galileo Galilei..." - Michael Izuchukwu

See: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=355009453263604&set=a.106480968116455


4:18 PM (12/9/22):
dfaguimba (@dfaguimba) TikTok | Watch dfaguimba's Newest TikTok Videos

"Interesting acts of kindness, in Dusseldorf, Germany..." - Michael Izuchukwu


2:31 PM (12/9/22):
Celebrities at NBA Games - YouTube

"I haven't been to any NBA games, to my recollection... but I do remember there was an opportunity to attend one, when I had been a Rice University student (2008-2010)... I believe my friend, Louis Chen, had gotten a '$100' ticket... to a game, where one of the teams had been the Houston Rockets (either my freshman or sophomore year). Nevertheless, at the time... based off my familial circumstances, I was hesitant to make that financial commitment (even though today, I would be less reluctant... if a similar situation, arose)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:56 PM (12/9/22):

Alan Silvestri - Life Out There / Contact Soundtrack - YouTube
"Feeling a bit tired at the moment, particularly... due to having 'slightly injured' my left hand, by some means... in the past 24-48 hours... Some rest ought to do the trick..." - Michael Izuchukwu


2:22 PM (12/9/22):

a. On the train, from East Orange, NJ to South Orange, NJ (11:08 AM, on 12/9/22) - YouTube

b. Enjoying the weather in South Orange Village (South Orange, NJ - 11:13 AM, on 12/9/22) - YouTube


i. Speculating about the revelations, of Jesus Christ (South Orange, NJ - 11:34 AM, on 12/9/22) - YouTube

ii. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz299) | TikTok

The above 3 videos, are regarding my brief... outdoor excursion, this morning...


2:09 PM (12/9/22):

MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology >>>
Mark Rober to deliver MIT’s 2023 Commencement address | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
"I decided to visit this site, moments ago... Apparently, Mark Rober is presently a 42-year-old NASA engineer, who will be delivering a commencement speech at MIT... in 2023. ...I do believe lifestyle choices and habits, account for one's 'spacetime age'... ...given my first impression, was that he may have been 30 years old... or so..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:13 PM (12/9/22):

MAKING THE DAYS COUNT (beginnings77.blogspot.com)
"I also revisited post #24, on this blog (moments ago)... Such makes me wonder..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:35 AM (12/9/22):
J.K. Rowling Harvard Commencement Speech | Harvard University Commencement 2008 - YouTube

"An interesting video, that I was revisiting... about an hour ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu


1:47 PM (12/8/22):
Unbroken | The Plank Scene - YouTube

"Very inspiring movie scene, from the 2014 movie 'Unbroken'... One may find that the cultures of certain, contrasting countries (from one's own), were more difficult to assimilate to (or relate to)... in the absence of modern technological developments, several decades ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu


1:42 PM (12/8/22):


"Interesting video, featuring a University of Oxford medical student... on his laptop, with an 'introspective narrator'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


1:30 PM (12/8/22):
"The following are some interesting articles, regarding Russia's President Vladimir Putin... Apparently, there have been updated developments... regarding reference to Central Africa, being shifted to South America... ...in the matter of 'potential relocation (in the aftermath of 'a loss,' in the War in Ukraine..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Vladimir Putin 'has plan to flee to South America if he loses war in Ukraine' (msn.com)

Putin has a plan to flee to South America if he loses the war in Ukraine, former aide says (msn.com)

Vladimir Putin Stashes Billions In Central Africa In Preparation To Flee Moscow In Case Of Emergency 'Evacuation' (msn.com) 

2:06 PM (12/8/22):

Michael Izuchukwu (@Michael53413241) / Twitter (recap)


11:09 AM (12/8/22):


"Certain jobs are complemented by unique opportunities and perks... Nevertheless, work-life balance... and satisfaction, with one's occupation... can be linked to personality traits, and compatibility... with coworkers (depending on educational backgrounds, and areas of interest/expertise)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:21 AM (12/8/22):


(me crossing a bridge, in East Orange, NJ... at 9:47 AM, today... which is one, of 'a number' that I had crossed... when in Virginia, over 3 years ago)


10:17 AM (12/8/22): 


"A view of Hofheimer Hall, and the Sentara Norfolk General retreat cafe... I haven't been on the campus of Eastern Virginia Medical School, since the summer of 2019... but this video, reminded me of then..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:46 AM (12/8/22):


"Soothing music, with a view of Earth... from the International Space Station..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:17 AM (12/8/22):


"Time is relative to the observer, but the observer is not necessarily 'as relative'... to time..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:23 AM (12/8/22):


"The spirit refines the mind, and the mind refines the body... For all we know, the spirit may also play a role in refining the body (two variables, as opposed to one)... and I suspect, this is the case..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:04 AM (12/8/22):

"...the camel, the needle's eye... and the rich man..." - paraphrase of Matthew 19:24 (regarding the Kingdom of Heaven) 

...can you recite such, by heart?...

6:22 AM (12/8/22):


"Unfortunate news, which I had heard of... on the same day, such had been disclosed..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:40 AM (12/8/22):


"To take the pathway in life, that is minimally regrettable... requires great introspection, and foresight..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:49 AM (12/8/22):

When the narrator ends the above video, with the words 'you got this'... for some reason I imagine the long jumper Bob Beamon (former world record holder in that event)... running down the runway, with his dad on the sidelines... as though, coaching him...



A video of Bob Beamon's world record (Olympic Gold) performance... at the 1968 Olympics (in Mexico City, Mexico), where he long jumped 8.90 meters (29'2.5")

4:05 AM (12/8/22):


"Interesting video of an African American female, discussing the past '15' years of her life... which she may be attributing to difficult, or unconventional... decision-making... Perhaps by doing so, she has attained an optimal spirituality, mentality and physicality..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


Maybe this woman is treating 'her dog,' like an 'honorary child'...

4:15 AM (12/8/22):


"A seemingly academic-oriented, and 'strict'... but stable, family..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:37 AM (12/8/22):


"All humans across the world, have varying degree of trials and tribulations... in life. The means by which they are are endured, typically accounts for how the spirit (Holy Spirit)... refines one's mind (intellect) and body (physicality)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:19 AM (12/8/22):


"Financial liberation can be one of the various ways that exist, to self-sufficiency... depending on the means, by which such is achieved... At some stage, the value of time that one projects as remaining in one's life... levels out, with the value of the earnings... one could see oneself striving for..." - Michael Izuchukwu


2:43 AM (12/8/22):

"I had a dream, an hour or so ago... in which I had been on a bus, to a zoo... comprised of strictly 'extraterrestrial animals' - those, from other planets... in the cosmos... Nevertheless, the nature of the visitation... required the passengers to be inconspicuous, for a reason I am not fully aware of..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:18 PM (12/7/22):



"An interesting question and answer (Q&A) session, in Time's Square... of New York City, NY..." - Michael Izuchukwu (a lot of inaccuracies)




I returned to my dominion, moments ago


1:46 PM (12/7/22):
"Moments ago, this idea occurred to me: 'If you want to get to heaven, make sure you don't mess with the people... who are genuinely attempting, to get there...' Jesus Christ is the foremost example, of someone who likely is disapproving of the conduct... of mortals (in general)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

After being among his 11 remaining apostles/disciples for 40 days, after His Resurrection (which took 3 days)... Jesus departed to heaven, and has not returned to this realm... ever since (2,022 years or so, have elapsed)....

2:08 PM (12/7/22):
"To achieve, you must first believe... ...if you don't believe, how would you possibly hope to succinctly complete the processes... necessary, to achieve...?" - Michael Izuchukwu


1:14 PM (12/7/22):

(a look outside 'a' window of the East Orange Public library, at 1:11 PM... today)

"A day at sea, may be better... than hundreds, in the rain..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:40 AM (12/7/22):


"Some crispy and tantalizing, French bread pizza... ...such is something that is worthy of being eaten, for lunch..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:26 AM (12/7/22):


"Genuine spiritual gains, are the product of sacrifices... and commitment... ...in a variety of arenas, in life..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:29 AM (12/7/22):


"Prevention is better, than the cure..." - Desiderius Erasmus


10:20 AM (12/7/22):


"An advanced bedroom setup, regarding the positioning of the HDTV... and bed (and the utilized technology)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:53 AM (12/7/22):


"There are many hotels around the world, which offer varying amenities... which refine, the experience...." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:38 AM (12/7/22):


"Life is a test, to see what is done... with the given time..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:37 PM (12/6/22):


"Interesting video, in which an Indian dude is chilling in his apartment with his significant other (and watching the 2022 FIFA World Cup).... There was an African American dude on the TV, who was walking forward as though he was 'in the military'... ...which was of interest, in the context... of the music playing...


6:22 PM (12/6/22):


"An attractive female, exiting what appears to be a Range Rover... in a light blue dress... The song 'Party Monster,' by 'The Weeknd'... is also catchy..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:11 PM (12/6/22):
Ajent K retires- Men in Black 1997 - YouTube

"When a new chapter begins, there tends to be the assumption... that one has finished the prior one..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:04 PM (12/6/22):
Rice University: December 2022 Convocation Ceremony - YouTube 

"I re-watched the first 8 minutes & 34 seconds of the above video, and was reminded of the following one (below), regarding the introduction... of length 2 minutes & 34 seconds..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Last Unicorn - Opening Scene (HD) - YouTube

I first watched this movie, when I was '3' years old...


3:39 PM (12/6/22):

"I have been taking note of foods which I have become increasingly desensitized to, over time... as a means of optimizing my dietary efficiency, and fine-tuning... my physiology..." - Michael Izuchukwu


12:56 PM (12/6/22):

Martin Luther King's Last Speech: I've been to the Mountaintop & M83 - By the Kiss (slowed down) - YouTube

"An interesting video that I filmed, 159 days (or 22 weeks & 5 days) ago..."- Michael Izuchukwu

1:31 PM (12/6/22):
Why Doesn't God Save Everybody? - YouTube

"Interesting question and answer (Q&A) exchange, regarding matters of spirituality..." - Michael Izuchukwu

“Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death… so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him. According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord… will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command… with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God… and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left… will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord, forever…” – 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 (regarding the Rapture)

NOTE #1:
The Rapture could be manifested in a myriad of ways, and Jesus Christ's physical presence... is not necessarily necessary, for such... to be facilitated... ...given that Jesus Christ is now 'God the Son,' in the context... of the Holy Trinity...

SOMEWHERE OUT THERE (starforests.blogspot.com)

NOTE #2:

[...Jesus Christ was no ordinary human being. It was moments ago, that I concluded that if Jesus Christ happens to be relating well to a certain human (from the spirit realm, that He resides in), then 'God the Father' may decide to play an atypical role... in the life, of that individual... Nevertheless, due to the fact that Jesus Christ is the intermediator between humans and his 'heavenly Father'... we know not of the ways, of 'God the Father'... who likely operates in a more efficient capacity (than the 'position of God'), in the aftermath of his son... have assumed, that role/function... in the spirit realm, following Jesus' departure to heaven (40 days after having Resurrected, 3 days after having conquered... His Crucifixion)...

John 14:6 of the bible, states: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” according to Jesus Christ. Jesus is the 'Human God,' while 'God the Father'... is the 'Alien God ('god of all species throughout the cosmos, who wonder about deities/higher powers')'..." - Michael Izuchukwu] - see: #23, here: THOUGHTS OF THE PRINCE, OF DARKNESS (izthewhiz32.blogspot.com)


7:00 AM (12/6/22):
Controversial Denzel Washington Movie Is Screening In Saudi Arabia (msn.com)

"An interesting article, given that I am not sure why 30 years would have to elapse... before viewership of 'this particular' movie, in the context of such..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:05 AM (12/6/22):
The Dark Knight (2008) Official Trailer #1 - Christopher Nolan Movie HD - YouTube

"Have 'they' seen this movie, which was released 16 years later... ...such makes me wonder, about movie debuts in other countries... given the nature of 'language barriers'...?" - Michael Izuchukwu


5:53 AM (12/6/22):


"Interesting Spanish narration, of a dude working out... and seeking to defy the doubts, of his naysayers (about his potential)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:28 AM (12/6/22):
Alan Watts - What if when we die we wake up? - YouTube

"To find the dreams which have intrinsic value, are those... worth chasing..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:26 AM (12/6/22):


"Certain theories arise to people, via unconventional means..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


5:06 AM (12/6/22):


"Along some paths in life, there is temptation to stray... from them..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:04 AM (12/6/22):


"Interesting video of a woman having been writing in a journal, as she watches TV... in 'her' dominion..." - Michael Izuchukwu




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