CALLS FROM GOD (when interest, is taken)

Arrival in South Orange Village... ...of South Orange, NJ... ... at 1:11 PM... on 7/8/24


3:03 AM (7/18/24):
NAV - Some Way ft. The Weeknd (Official Music Video) ( (0:00-1:39)

A 'catchy' song; not sure where such was filmed... ...but I was reminded, of California... I haven't been there (Los Angeles, specifically), since I was 19 years old... ...given there had been a track meet (at the University of California - Los Angeles/UCLA), where I had been flown to... ...Nevertheless, I was not permitted to compete... ...given that I had brought 'alternative spikes (that were better-fitting)'... opposed, to the 'issued ones'... ...although, to my understanding... ...there was no rule... ...saying, this was illogical...

In retrospect, I am curious about how far I could have triple jumped (at 'that meet,' in the Spring of 2009)... ...given that in the context, of Occam's Razor (a philosophical principle)... ...competing in the 'alternative shoes,' would have been 'of wisdom'... ...when factoring in, the logistics of preparation... get there...

3:11 AM (7/18/24):

CONTACT - Science VS God Discussion (


2:53 AM (7/18/24):
Jincheng Zhang - Beer I Love You (Instrumental Version) (Official Audio) - YouTube

Arguably, a video... ...of an Asian man (collegiate, appearance-wise)... ...thinking to himself, '...gee... ...I am getting older...' ...An existential tune, I would say...

Quarter-life crisis, perhaps... >>> quarter-life crisis - Google Search


10:43 PM (7/17/24):

Given that humans, were 'made... the image, of God'... (created, in God's likeness... ...that is)...'s natural, for humans... have inclination, for being creators (inventors, that is)... One should be mindful, that it's important... not get carried away, when creating a creation... Perhaps it is of nature, for issues to arise... ...if a creator, becomes a subset... ...of 'his/her' creation... 

There are those, who may invest great effort... ...into that, which they create (their creations, in other words)... the expense, of their livelihood. One can infer, that creations are often created... ...because it is believed, that they can be likened... investments... ...and 'a return/payoff,' on such... sought...


7:49 PM (7/17/24):
There’s a new guy in the company.People didn’t realize he was a big shot.#movie #viral #shorts - YouTube

Satirical video title... ...inspiring & controversial, nonfiction movie ('Hidden Figures,' 2016)

orthogonalization algorithm - Google Search

10:20 PM (7/17/24):
A New Study Suggests Aliens Aren’t Little Green Men. They’re Purple People Eaters. (

In the featured video, Lisa Kaltenegger (an 'Austrian astronomer')... ...says that if life is found, on just '1' planet... 'our' Milky Way galaxy (for instance)... ...then, there are statistical odds... ...that life, is quite present... the universe (but we humans, are in a barren sector... ...of such)

10:25 PM (7/17/24):
If one travels through the 'galactic gap,' to another galaxy... could find cities... ...on the planets, within... a different galaxy...


3:05 PM (7/17/24):
" tears..., rain..." - Roy Batty ('Blade Runner,' 1982)

π™Ύπš—πšŽπš‘πšŽπšŠπš›πš - π™±πšŽπšπš›πšŠπš’πšŠπš• | πš‚πš•πš˜πš πšŽπš - YouTube

This quote, materialized in my mind... ...about '2' minutes, ago... ...and arguably, encapsulated my sentiments..., the time...

...I began to question, its implications... ...A conclusion, of mine... that, such... is about 'contrast'...

roy batty - Google Search


3:23 PM (7/27/24):

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the TannhΓ€user Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die."

My analysis, of this 42-word monologue... that Roy (an artificial replicant/robotic entity)... ...was attempting, to transcend... ...the limitations, of 'his' consciousness... ...and, the fiber... ... of that, which 'he'... was made of... 


3:10 PM (7/17/24):

Alex G - Break - YouTube

5:35 PM (7/17/24):

(YouTube snapshot, from 5:34 PM... on 7/17/24)


1:20 PM (7/17/24):


Denis Vashurin (born on 10/27/87) entering 'a fancy hotel'... Russia... ...and enjoying 'nightlife' (he is presently, 36 years old... ...and is an 'asymptotic ager,' in my opinion)

I haven't been to a hotel, in a good while... ...but if I did, such arguably would be a 'new one'... ...that is upscale, and ideally... ...of 'convenient commute (based, off my 'status quo')'....


3:47 PM (7/17/24):
Aside from being, the 'defiance of spacetime'... ...I think asymptotic aging for a person, is attributable... his/her 'atomic vibration'... ...and may be something, which is presently... ...not fully, understood... 'being in space (metaphorically)'... ...without, having 'gone... space'...

When one is in space, one may age slower... ...due to 'time dilation'...

THE MARTIAN Clip - Creating Water (2015) Matt Damon - YouTube (0:00-2:56)

Taking your shirt off, on Mars... ...may be 'psychologically depressing'...



12:04 PM (7/17/24):
Sister Bonnie Cordon ('elderly' woman), talks about God & relativity ('what is the size, of God'?) - YouTube

When I was in the 8th grade, I made a picture book... ...called 'Beefy the Obese'... ...which I presented, to the class... 'Compact Challenge Language Arts (CCLA)'... I remember my mom, requesting to hold onto to such... ...afterwards (and in the future, she told me... ...that she could not recollect, where she placed such)... The book was about an overweight, carrot-eating bunny (named 'Beefy')... ...that was 'on a mission'...

I had a theory, an hour or so ago... ...such may be implausible, but is possible... ...and is, the following:

Due to the nature, of peer-to-peer interaction (and how parents tend to have more influential, social circles... ...than their offspring)... ...perhaps the election of the 44th President, of the United States (Barack Obama)... (at age 47), which was partially attributable... the following (for the sake, of setting 'a precedent'... the context, of 'New World Order'... and the Illuminati, seeking 'power balance'):

a. my 'Beefy the Obese' book (B.O. for 'Barack Obama')

b. my ACT score, of 34 (in April 2007 - 4/07)

c. my triple jump school record, of 47'3"... of May 10, 2008

...This theory, is in the context... of 'governing dynamics,' chaos theory, equilibrium, Isaac Newton's 3rd law (about 'equal and opposite reactions') and 'the psychology... ...of publicity'... the corporate world (along with 'Carpe Diem,' underlying/foundational campaigning variables... ...and 'socioeconomic, reparative measures')... 

...Also, Illinois... is next to, 'Missouri'... (maybe my dad, was 'boasting about my high school accomplishments'... 'his peers'...)... My mom and Barack Obama, were both born... ...on August 4 (1963 and 1961, respectively)


barack obama's resume - Google Search

>>>President Barack Obama | Barack Obama Presidential Library (

My C.C.L.A. teacher, had been 'Alicia Norman'... ...and my dad, had attested... being the CEO, of '2' companies...

voldy33 (u/voldy33) - Reddit (see #'s 37-42)

12:58 PM (7/17/24):

Gathering of my dad's associates, for his funeral (Uke, Nigeria - 1/7/21) - YouTube


je te laisserai des mots slowed instrumental but Vince McMahon is sad - YouTube

1:09 PM (7/17/24):
My dad had heart surgery operations, in 2006, 2010, '2013' & 2018 (9/24/18)... These years, correspond... when he turned the ages of 51, 55, 58 and 63... ...respectively. He died, on 10/8/20... need, of a 5th heart surgery operation (although, this was not thoroughly communicated... ...or apparent... ...given that his death, was untimely... and abrupt)... 

I often think, about preventive measures he could have taken... ...or what would have happened, had he deterred... ...the 'first' operation (could he have been more mindful, about his health... ...or activities, he was involved in)...

About | Michael Izuchukwu (


Home | Michael Izuchukwu (


10:23 AM (7/17/24):

FBI examines Trump assassination attempt suspect's phone, transmitter found on him (

The ending of the video, in the 'above' article... ...reminded me, of the video game 'Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (Nintendo 64)'... ...when the words 'Secret Service sniper'... ...were stated...

10:38 AM (7/17/24):

A high school friend, of mine (Alec K.) used to invite me... 'his house'... ...when we were in elementary school... I remember telling him once, that there were dudes (from Afghanistan)... 'a hut (conversing)'... ...on one of the levels, of that video game... ...and he didn't believe me, at first... he invited me over, to prove this... ...Nevertheless, I 'had been joking (I had navigated, to 'the hut'... ...but no such thing, was occurring - it was a 'night vision' level)'... ...At the time, I believe I had gotten the video game... ...before he did (assuming, he got such... all)...

10:43 AM (7/17/24):
I recall the words 'Tango down,' being stated... the 'utilized' video game characters...

(video game release date: August 21, 1998)


10:19 AM (7/17/24):
Big Changes Are Coming To The ACT Test. Should Students Take It? (

Regarding getting a 34 (out of 36) on the ACT, I recollect that this occurred for me... April 2007... I think standardized tests, 'in general'... ...are an effective way, of gauging... ...the introspection, of prospective... collegiate students... English, Reading, Math & Science...

"Fortune favors, the brave..." - Latin proverb

"Luck is what happens, when preparation... ...meets, opportunity..." - Seneca



8:05 AM (7/17/24):
People change over time, to varying degrees... ...based off how they react to things (inaction*), and how they act (action*)... Character development (trials & tribulations-based) and decision-making, often account... ...for why people seem younger, or older... ...than they may appear, to be... ...even though, aside from biological and chronological age... ...there is such a thing ('to my understanding'), as spacetime age...

Reflections, with 71 days remaining... as a 33-year-old (East Orange, NJ - 1:02 AM, on 8/23/23) - YouTube

"A man isn't the same man today, as he is tomorrow... just as he was different, yesterday... Two people may seem one way at present, but when reconvening in 10 years... one may find, that spacetime has either been kind or cruel... to each person..." - Michael Izuchukwu (2:42 PM, 1/28/23)


7:53 AM (7/17/24): "The higher we soar, the smaller we appear... those, who cannot fly..." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Given that the spirit, takes precedence... the mind... ...and the mind... ...takes precedence, to the body (although all three components, work in tandem... ...and are of vitality, for a human... function, in 'this world')... can infer... ...that the cultivation of a 'governing component'... ...permits, a 'governed one'... develop, with 'greater ease'...

"A genuinely, spiritually discerning person... will typically be opposed, to those who do not embrace... the Holy Spirit..." - Michael Izuchukwu (5:22 PM, 11/25/22)


8:52 PM (7/16/24): It may be natural, to infer… …that some people, live in mansions… …because it’s their way, of creating a ‘universe’… …for themselves… …within the universe, they are... a part of…

(Instagram snapshot, from 9:07 AM... on 7/17/24)
...'bread' stacking...


8:50 PM (7/16/24): Sometimes, we chase things… for reasons… …which are not thoroughly, substantiated. When this happens, we may be inclined… …to question, why we chased them… …after, they... are caught…


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


12:17 PM (7/12/24):
Meagan Good on Falling for Jonathan Majors Mid-Controversy (Exclusive) ( 

Random article recommendation... ...An issue which may be preventing me, from 'more actively' pursuing my ideals (social relations, for instance... ...aside, from career-related pursuits)... the fact, that my family dynamics... ...are questionable... ...and have been, for quite some time... ...Such stagnation, has deterred the compilation... of self-advancement-related efforts... ...and it doesn't help, that my dad... ...was emotionally and psychologically abusive, when he had been alive... ...and had difficulty, in reconciling the past... ...with the present... ...regarding me as a high schooler, versus a 30-year-old (in the summer of 2020)... 


jonathan majors - Google Search


Meagan Good - Google Search

Strangely and curiously, I sometimes think... ...that my character development, is much more advanced now (at 34 years of age)... ...than such would have been... ...had, he still been an 'actively influencing' aspect... of my life...

POV: You're recovering in a healing pod (

Regarding my present character development (maturity/disposition)... ...I probably would have had to be 40 years old (chronologically)... ...before my dad, could entertain... ...that I am 'my own person'... ...with reluctance (in 'that scenario')...


12:08 PM (7/12/24):
Teaching Math on the Global Stage | Columbia News 

Article which attests, that the disciplines we have... life... ...can be... 'of cultural influence'...

Motivation is often the father, of innovation.... Balance and harmony, in the context of nature and nurture... ...are often the requisites, for 'potential realization'...

~ ~ ~


11:14 AM (7/12/24):

Seton Hall University (SHU) - Seton Hall University


Archive | EVMS celebrates final Commencement during 50th Anniversary  EVMS Pulse Newsroom | Eastern Virginia Medical School | Media | Press 

(new development, at EVMS):

"Eastern Virginia Medical School hosted its final Commencement on May 18, as the institution prepares to integrate with Old Dominion University."

My commencement, from Seton Hall University... ...was on 5/18/15 - 9 years earlier...




11:00 AM (7/12/24):
Rice hosts International Space University’s Space Studies Program as attendees prepare to explore moon, Mars and beyond | Rice News | News and Media Relations | Rice University 

When I 'reviewed' this article, it felt... though, I was at Rice (in the year 2009)... ...again (due to the 'thematic elements')...

- 1:12 PM, on 7/12/24...


Where Is Olympic Sprinter Usain Bolt Now? | NBC Insider


Mathematicians plan computer proof of Fermat's last theorem | New Scientist

Apparently, Andrew Wiles solved a math problem (Fermat's last theorem)... ...that is of difficulty, for computers...


8:16 AM (7/12/24):
Moments ago, I had an idea... ...Such was, that historically... ...people have said things, such as: 'I live on a plantation, a property... ...or an estate (for instance)'... It's my understanding, that the nature of such terms... ...may be affiliated, with 'the growth, of produce'... the analogous sense. Humans are organisms, that experience change (in the context, the spirit, mind and body) over time... ...and ideally, such growth... is positive...

~ ~ ~


9:42 PM (7/11/24):

The following article, got me thinking: '...if you could visit another galaxy, would you...?'
'Motion-picture' method reveals shape of the Milky Way's dark matter halo (


8:15 PM (7/11/24):

As I made a purchase of water ('1' gallon) from East Orange, NJ's ShopRite... of 8:01 PM, on 7/11/24... ...and then walked past a dude (at the neighboring, self-checkout machine), in a white shirt (to exit, the store)... ...I had the following thought:

' dad (when he had been alive) never really wanted me, to have a car (or facilitate, that process)... ...because there are people, who tend to see cars... extensions, of themselves (including, my dad)...'


7:11 PM (7/11/24):

"Sometimes, you have to do what you can... ...with what, you are given... 

Jesus Christ/'God the Son' performs the function, of God the Father... the aftermath, of His Crucifixion, Resurrection & Ascent/Departure to heaven... ...Jesus likely recognizes, that to whom much is given... ...much, is expected... ...and may embrace Karl Marx's ideology, of ' each, according... their ability'...

7:25 PM (7/11/24):

Blond male (Tristan Jass), doing 'insane' basketball shots ('NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE') - YouTube


7:07 PM (7/11/24):

"...and Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children... will never enter, the Kingdom... of Heaven..." - Matthew 18:3

Regarding this bible verse, such gave me the idea/notion… …that Jesus Christ is suggesting… …that in order to gain entry to heaven, a human must retain a certain innocence… …which was within him/herself… …as a child (in youth)… It’s plausible, that this implies… …applying aspects of one’s childhood… …to one’s life… …as one ventures, into the later stages…






"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God... ...and the Word, 'was' God..." - John 1:1

What was, 'the word'? ..."Words are the means, to meaning... ...and for those who will listen, the enunciation... ...of truth..." - V ['V for Vendetta (2005)' movie]


"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female... he created them..." - Genesis 1:27


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